
Showing posts from 2011

How Resolute Are Your Resolutions?

It's that time of year again when everyone talks about the big changes they are going to make in their life.  You know the perennial favorites...lose weight, exercise, eat healthy, read the Bible all the way through, quit smoking, worry less, delete your Facebook....wait, what?  Anyway, most of them are only a dream after January 2 anyway. The truth is most of these changes don't need a New Year to put them into effect.  Any day that you realize you need to make a difference in your life by kicking an old habit or picking up a new one is the day to start.  So how do you set an keep New Year's resolutions? I don't know.  And I'm not going to pretend I do.  But here's how I'm going to go about accomplishing some specific things this year. The first thing I think is important is to set specific goals.  For example, I'm going to run my first 5k in 2012.  This one goal creates a road map to getting in top physical condition and eating right. ...

Thoughts on Wolf Management

I'll admit that several years ago I didn't believe that gray wolves in the western states surrounding Yellowstone National Park were big problem.  Living in Wyoming, you mostly heard ranchers complaining about them.  The word on the street was those same ranchers were being reimbursed by the government for livestock that were supposedly killed by wolves.  So they could lose livestock for any reason, blame and on the wolves and collect a check, right? Leo Larsen with his Montana wolf Well, I don't know if that's how it really worked, but until recently I never gave much credit to the notion that wolves were a serious problem to livestock or big game populations.  The so-called "conservationists," which are really just liberal tree huggers (and liberals control the media) paint them as cuddly little critters and give you the idea that the packs are so small and controlled that they aren't doing any real damage. How many elk and deer do you think it takes...

Duck Hunting 11/26/11

There is nothing like a sunrise over the water whether you are hunting or fishing. Something about hearing and seeing nature come to life makes you feel more connected to the Creator and creation. Today I went duck hunting with my friend Lee Smids, his dad Fred, and his black lab "Bear." I met him at his house at 4:30am. We loaded up our gear, went and picked up his dad, and got to J.D. Murphree WMA in Southeast Texas about 5:00am. After following 33 other boats through the gate to check in, we launched the Gator Trax /Mud Buddy rig and headed to our area of choice on Eagle Lake. We set up our decoys and raised the blinds attached to the sides of the boat, and shortly after the safe shooting time of 6:20 we started seeing a few ducks. I got my first blue wing teal with my Remington Bone Collector 870 at about 7:00. The action was sporadic, and according to Lee not nearly as fast as it had been over the past few weeks. He attributed the lack of activity to the amount of h...

Mister Brister Media

I have toyed with the idea of starting a Website design company for a long time.  I've always been intrigued by it and often created websites for myself.  I managed sites for different bands I was in as well as a fishing and hunting site that I ran for a few years.  Now it's time to put that practice to work. My company will be called Mister Brister Media, LLC.  My services will include website and blog design, web hosting, domain registration, online and social nedia marketing, brand development, web site traffic growth, and advertising revenue. A website for the company is in the works.  For now you can find Mister Brister Media on Twitter and Facebook.

This is just a test...

So I thought I would test out the mobile way to blog. It's really a great idea because my most interesting thoughts (to me) usually happen far away from a computer. So if I get the hang of this maybe I will blog more. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Here We Go!

Just rediscovered my Blogger account and thought I'd get back to blogging.  I don't really know about what yet. It will most likely include a little bit of everything that I'm into these days.  Maybe some funny stuff to pass along, interesting news and headlines or what I ate for lunch.  It will probably be pretty generic until I really figure out what I'm good at writing about.  If you have time to waste, I'm your man. My newest interest is all the professional networking sites like LinkedIn, BeKnown on Facebook and the like.  Looks like those type of sites are becoming pretty popular with professionals in all industries.  So I set up some profiles there.  I've also created profiles with Monster, CareerBuilder, SimplyHired and VisualCV.  Seems like a good idea to use every avenue you can to promote your skills and open career doors. Well a little about me: I was born in Mississippi, raised in Wyoming, and I've spent the last 2 years in Georgi...