How Resolute Are Your Resolutions?
It's that time of year again when everyone talks about the big changes they are going to make in their life. You know the perennial favorites...lose weight, exercise, eat healthy, read the Bible all the way through, quit smoking, worry less, delete your Facebook....wait, what? Anyway, most of them are only a dream after January 2 anyway. The truth is most of these changes don't need a New Year to put them into effect. Any day that you realize you need to make a difference in your life by kicking an old habit or picking up a new one is the day to start. So how do you set an keep New Year's resolutions? I don't know. And I'm not going to pretend I do. But here's how I'm going to go about accomplishing some specific things this year. The first thing I think is important is to set specific goals. For example, I'm going to run my first 5k in 2012. This one goal creates a road map to getting in top physical condition and eating right. ...