March is winding up, and turkey season is getting into full swing in most states. If you haven't been able to go yet, hopefully you will in the coming weeks. I haven't been as much as I would like, but hopefully that will change soon! I want to get one tom with my Remington 870, then I'm going to break out the ground blind and try to get one with my Hoyt. I've got some great news! I'm going to be writing a weekly column for the website . My column will be focused on hunting and the outdoors, and different ways that firearms relate to our sport. is currently ranked 175k on Alexa , which provides information about websites including top sites, internet traffic stats and metrics. This is an impressive feat considering that the site has been marketed for less than a month. According to Benjamin Worthen they are jumping 20k places a day, and expect to be in top 100k in less than a week and a half, and top 50k in about a mon...