
Showing posts from November, 2019

2019 Wyoming Whitetail

Over the last few years one of my favorite hunts has become a bonus whitetail hunt that I get to do in Wyoming. It’s a special Type 3 tag that runs through the peak of the whitetail rut in November, and in addition to this Any Whitetail tag I usually pick up a doe tag or two as well.  I hunt for these tasty critters on checkerboarded state land around agriculture, and this type of hunt usually involves a lot of waiting until the deer wander off of a neighboring ranch onto public land. Then it’s a matter of getting into range and set up for a shot before the deer bust you or keep moving onto another ranch.  I’ve been fortunate to tag several whitetail on the same section of state land 3 years in a row. This year my dad had a doe tag as well so he got to tag along, and in addition to a doe, I killed the biggest whitetail buck I’ve killed in Wyoming. He put me through the wringer waiting for him to stand up so I could take a shot over the y’all grass he was bedded in, t...