
Showing posts from November, 2018

More Doe Patrol

Grocery shopping Part 2. This girl is possibly the biggest doe I’ve ever killed. She was off to herself so I really didn’t know until I walked up to her how big she actually was. Talk about a Freezer Queen!

Doe Patrol, continued...

Grocery shopping, Wyoming style. Whitetail hunting out west is much different than it is in the eastern part of the country, and I miss November mornings sitting in a treestand. But these critters are too fun to chase and even better to eat. It’s hard not to apply for an extra doe tag or two every year.

Wyoming BHA State Board

I am very honored to have been added to the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Wyoming Chapter State Board, joining some other great champions of wild places. Looking forward to doing great things in southwest Wyoming! Backcountry Hunters & Anglers seeks to ensure North America's outdoor heritage of hunting and fishing in a natural setting, through education and work on behalf of wild public lands and waters. Our freedom to hunt and fish depends on habitat. While many of us enjoy hunting and fishing on a range of landscapes, including farm fields and reservoirs, there is something special – even magical – about hunting deep in the backcountry or fishing on a remote river. Wilderness hunting and fishing deliver a sense of freedom, challenge and solitude that is increasingly trampled by the twin pressures of growing population and increasing technology. Many treasured fish and wildlife species – such as cutthroat trout, grizzly bear and bighorn sheep – thrive in wild...