
Showing posts from April, 2019

2019 Utah Turkey

Turkey hunting is something that few people really get into, but those who do REALLY get into it. People like to draw comparisons between turkey hunting and elk hunting, and I do think a lot of the same characteristics apply to both. You’re calling to a male animal, and trying to convince him to go against his instincts and venture over to the sounds of a sweet-talking female. You have to set up just right to give yourself a shot as the turkey or elk comes in, and then you have to calm your nerves and shaking hands enough to pull off a clean shot when if and when you get the opportunity.  I’ve hunted Rio Grande turkeys in the Utah general turkey season for the past few years, mostly due to the fact that I can get to Utah turkeys about an hour from my house. Wyoming turkeys are several hours away in the central to eastern parts of the state, although their range is expanding so that may change in the near future.  This year I did something I have never done before,...

The Gorge is Turning On!

It’s a sure sign of spring when you find smallmouth bass cruising the shallows looking for a meal. I was able to get out on the Flaming Gorge for a few hours, mostly working on dialing in a new prop, but I also took the opportunity to hit a few coves and do some fishing once the wind picked up.  The first few spots I hit didn’t produce any fish, but one cove did. I was cranking a Wiggle Wart along a rocky point when this nice smallie hammered it. I was running out of time and the ever-increasing wind was making the run back to the ramp look like a real rodeo, so I had to call it a day. Good to know the bass are on the move and hungry. With the water warming up it should only get better from here on out!

Cowboy BASS Qualifier at CJ Strike

The Cowboy BASS Nation qualifier was this past weekend on CJ Strike reservoir in Idaho, and as usual it was a great tournament. Overall weights were a little lower than we’ve seen in years past, but there were still some big sacks brought to the weigh-in.  I spent most of my time fishing coves and rocky points up the Snake River arm, and although I was around fish throughout the tournament, I never got on any really big fish. The co-anglers I drew were great to fish with and we had a good time on the water.  I did manage to qualify for the state team as a non-boater. That means I will be fishing the 2020 BASS Nation Western Regional next year. Looking forward to the announcement of where that will be and ultimately fishing the event.